Our core passion is to consistently create a-ha! (pennydrop) experiences for you and your company and provide value offering that do NOT have a SHELF LIFE!
This flows from learning and business coaching interventions that deliberately integrate knowledge, skills and attitude with practice. It is all about sustainable growth.
We partner with companies and specialist across industries and business sectors to deliver an unconventional mix of speaking, training and coaching services to accommodate your people development needs in an ingenious way and instil legendary excellence.

Pennydrop Training Solution collaborates and networks with specialists across industries and disciplines to provide a one-stop-solution support to any leader or entrepreneur who wants to take the lead in integrating the ME-WE-WORK sectors of their life with ease and intent, so they can grow on-purpose ad reach their full potential.
Let us assist you in ‘taking the steer’ and drive your own journey for rewarding achievement, and impactful living through our workshops, events, and retreats where we speak, train, and coach in delivering to you a world-class personal growth- and leadership development for your eminent achievement and excellence!

Satisfied clients include ABSA, Auditor General, De Beers, Centurion Academy, PSG Konsult, Inhouse Crown Logistics, Amayeza Abantu Biomedical, Boland College, cashkows.com, PAC (for SANTAM), InavitiQ (for JET, QUANTUM FOODS and TOP EMPLOYERS INSTITUTE)

Pennydrop Training Solution was founded more than 15 years ago by its owner, Susan Bezuidenhout.
Susan lives by this motto: As a CoachPreneur, I commit to enabling a Personal Leadership in others to craft their best life!
She has her Honours Degree in Industrial Psychology, is a John Maxwell speaker, trainer and coach, and a Whole Brain Practitioner accredited by the Kobus Neethling Institute.
She is also an accredited services SETA workplace assessor and moderator.
Susan believes in creating solutions and events, ranging from one-on-one coaching conversations to immersive retreats, that ALWAYS has as its aim life-altering experiences and moments for delegates. I believe that, at the core of joyous living and leadership, is the ability to stay your course by growing intentionally and making the right choices. That is why I strive, in everything I do, to enable a personal leadership in others to grow on purpose and map the blueprint for their best life!

Pitstop for Leaders-on-the-Go! ™
Take constructive time out from daily operations to become replenished and skilled to effectively balance tasks, people AND profit WITHOUT hitting burn-out, compromising your values or losing out on life!
Leadership Retreat, Western Cape, South Africa
From 1 to 3 August 2018
Why This Retreat?
RETREAT TO REFILL! This Pitstop for Leaders-on-the-Go! helps you to retreat from everyday operations to effectively refill - come away skilled, strong and steadfast to lead others with purpose, clarity and sustainable ardour!
You’re most likely here because you are:
- Challenged by the tremendous pressure that leadership is under, and how being credible in your leadership is at stake more than ever before.
- Often stuck between a hard place and a rock when you need your team to deliver on targets and objectives against which your own performance is directly measured.
- Frustrated that you’re not getting the results you desire or the clarity on the direction to take.
- Skewing your Work/Life Balance - and relationships with your significant others are bearing the brunt of it.
- Yearning for the luxury of being able to ‘step away from operations’ to clear your head so you can ‘step into creativity, strategic thinking, problem-solving and planning’.
- Looking to connect with ‘go-to’ people who can equip you and guide you in the execution of your leadership with a tailor-made plan and journey to address your specific needs.

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Please complete the form to Register Your Interest
'Emote-Remote' Webinar - Thursday 3rd August 2017
The ‘Emote-Remote’… do YOU have control?
A well-known, insightful Native American myth relates the story of a tribal elder who told his grandson that inside each of us, there are two wolves doing battle.
The one wolf possesses qualities typically understood as negative, including envy, greed, sorrow, anger, resentment, and arrogance. The other wolf possesses qualities understood as positive, including love, joy, kindness, empathy, compassion, humility, and peace.
The grandson asked, “Which wolf will win the fight?” And the elder responded, “Whichever one we feed.”
Do you recognise this as a call to action to develop your ability to be a master of your emotions for an improved life?
Then sign up for the Webinar Emote-Remote where you will get to understand the 3 factors that determine what you feel from moment to moment and discover how to make them work for you and your business!
Limited seats are available – sign up now and get VIP access to the Webinar.
A practical, fun-filled webinar that provides you with impactful skills instantly!
Webinar Registration

Details of the webinar:
Date: Thursday 3 August 2017
Time: 11:30 – 12:30 SAST
Get in touch
Sue Bezuidenhout
Cell: +27 82 566 5893
For Sustainable Growth
UPCOMING WORKSHOPS PRETORIA: 2 November (09:00 – 14:00) JOHANNESBURG: 3 November (09:00 – 14:00)
BREATHE A “Pitstop” For Women-On-The-Go! Event
(click on the image below for more information)
(click on the image below for more information)
Take care of your employees, and they’ll take care of your business. It’s as simple as that. -Richard Branson

4 Steps for Legendary Excellence
Should I stay, or should I go?
Denial is NOT a River in Egypt!
A grocery store and adulthood
Are you also having a Ratanga Junction Shut Down?
A message to Garcia – would I have been the chosen messenger?
A Key on a Dirt Road
What we can learn from a ‘Goose in Durbanville’

Sue Bezuidenhout
Cell: +27 82 566 5893
For Sustainable Growth